Sunday 9 June 2013

Day 9 Snap Challenge

Playing in the garden whilst Daddy works

Day 8 Snap Challenge (late again!!!) and a bit of makeup blogging!

So I am late again, and I didn't follow through on the promise to unveil my makeup gift. But better late than never right?! 

I have been using Mac foundation (liquid) for the past couple of years and although it comes with a love/hate relationship I have decided it is time to flip back over to my trusty Napolean Perdis foundation stick! It's probably far too expensive for what it is but I love it! I am definitely a heavy coverage kind if girl and this foundation topped with their wonderful camera finish pressed powder is a match made in heaven in my opinion. So I am back on the Napolean Foundation and Pressed Powder train. 

It was gift time (obviously) at David Jones  so I decided now was the time to stock up. I am unfortunate enough to be cursed with happy, CURLY, eyebrows so I figured a new eyebrow pencil could be great! Napolean offers 2 shades and after much deliberation I decided the lighter colour was better matching to my fake blonde locks! 

So these purchases tipped me over into the gift giving zone. I received not one but two gifts! 

Gift #1 included a voucher for a 1 hour makeup lesson at Napolean Perdis counter in David Jones, a gel eyeliner, an eyeshadow quad, a lip gloss, a highlighter palette and a handbag sized mascara (valued at around $200 retail)

Gift #2 included my all time favourite mascara in a full size (Mesmer-eyes) and you'll never guess it but it included the dark eyebrow pencil! 

I was so happy with my purchase. #lovingfreethings! 


Friday 7 June 2013

Day 7 Snap Challenge

On this Friday night my darling husband and I are being our usual wild selves, hot cups of tea and watching an awesome movie. So far loving #The Intouchables

[Please excuse the very unclear photo]

Thursday 6 June 2013

Day 6 Snap Challenge

I needed new makeup, and is there ever a better time to buy than when David Jones has their gifts on? Tomorrow ill open it and reveal!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Me and My Girl

I had dreamed of being a mother I think probably since the day I realised you could have a baby. It has always been something deep within me, calling me, drawing me to the one job that I knew was meant for me. When I first found out I was pregnant I was ecstatic. My dream had finally come true. I spent a week in elation, followed by around 12 weeks of utter despair and absolute and complete fear as I faced the possibility of losing this baby that I loved so immensely from the moment I knew it was growing inside me. 

As I passed different milestones, 12 weeks, 20 week, 24 weeks, 36 weeks I slowly relaxed (albeit not that much, definite stress head here). I let myself imagine all the possibilities of my life ahead. A life that came so neatly packaged and in the form of a teeny tiny, perfect little girl. And I began to wonder, how can you so suddenly have an all encompassing love for someone else, it is unquestionable and unceasing the love a parent has for their child, a mothers love is in a whole new league of it's own. The moment she was placed on my chest after a not so pretty delivery saw the dawning of a new era. Gone were the times of Me. Where the only thing I had to worry about really (because let's face it, my husband can actually look after himself pretty well) was what I had to do each day, vacuum the house, go to work, make sure we had dinner and get some precious sleep before the next day began. This new era was one that was so completely all about someone else. It seems when you become a Mother life really truly takes on new meaning. You see colours differently. Hear sounds in a new way. You learn to really feel and to really hear because these are the only ways you can understand the language of your new child. I think this silent language, the look of a baby towards it's mother as it feeds, or that complete trust your child has in you, is the beginning of that unbreakable bond. 

I always knew I would be over the moon regardless of whether or not I had a little boy or little girl. But I must admit, when I gave birth to the most perfect baby girl I was in a state or Nirvana. I have an amazing relationship with my own mother and I long for a relationship like this with my own daughter. I see us as she grows becoming the best of friends, and I hope and pray that our relationship is a mirror of the generation before hers, of me and my mum. And if I could have one wish, I wish for a sister for my Blossom one day, so that she can have a little sister who she loves, just like I do!

Could she be any more wonderful?!
*This was definitely meant to be a post about becoming a SAHM and house work but it didn't turn out that way so I will save that one for another day xx

Day 5 Snap Challenge

Today Daddy taught our girl how to pack up her toys! 

Day 4 Snap Challenge (a little bit late)

Is there anything more perfect than a sleeping baby?